Monument Athéna

Montreal ( Montréal )

The Athena Park is a small park in Montreal Park Extension neighborhood. It occupies a quadrilateral defined by the Jean-Talon Boulevard, Bloomfield street, avenue of the Sword and Greenshields Street. It was named in honor of the Greek goddess of art and wisdom, Athena, for the city of Montreal in 19861. The reproduction of a statue of the goddess Athena was installed in the park in the center in 2000 in homage to the Greek immigrants who settled in Quebec and particularly in the neighborhood. The park is the site of several recurring events, national holiday of St. John, ethnic encounters ...


How to get there: Google Maps

Categories: Attractions, Public art

Card created: 09/2015 (last modified: 09/2015)

GPS coordinates: 45°31'39.91"N, 73°37'27.26"W

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(last modified: 09/2015)