Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-du-Cap

Trois-Rivières ( Mauricie )

Discover an oasis of peace, greenery and history along the King’s Road. The Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-du-Cap is the second largest Marian shrine in North America (after Guadelupe in Mexico). It has been welcoming pilgrims and visitors since 1988 and is part of Québec’s rich spiritual heritage. To visit: the historic chapel, built in 1714, and the large basilica inaugurated in 1964, its impressive stained glass and its organ. With its gardens criss-crossed with walkways overlooking the river, the Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-du-Cap is a peaceful, green oasis. Services: accommodations at the Maison de la Madone, gift shop, picnic area and a large restaurant with a view on the river. The site is open year-round. Free admission.

626, rue Notre-Dame E., Trois-Rivières, QC, G8T 4G9


How to get there: Google Maps

Categories: Attractions, Religious buildings and sites

Card created: 08/2014 (last modified: 08/2014)

GPS coordinates: 46°22'3.99"N, 72°29'54.49"W

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(last modified: 08/2014)