Mont Cayamant

Cayamant ( Outaouais )

A network of 4 trails on the mountain varying in length from 1 to 6.3 km. The surprising observation tower (26 m high) atop Mount Cayamant (400 m) offers visitors a breathtaking view of Lake Cayamant, which leaves no one indifferent. It is composed of a metal scaffold around which wraps a wooden staircase, all topped with a small shed.

6, chemin Lachapelle, Cayamant, QC, J0X 1Y0


How to get there: Google Maps

Categories: Sports and outdoor activities, Wildlife observation, Hiking

Card created: 06/2015 (last modified: 06/2015)

GPS coordinates: 46°3'34.05"N, 76°17'38.75"W

Download for your GPS: (.gpx)

(last modified: 06/2015)