Parc des érables

Wotton ( Cantons-de-l'Est )

Parc des Érables is in a forest of mature trees. Ideal place for relaxing or walking on the trails. Sanitary service, picnic area. Camping le Soulier Vert is on your route. A stay at this peaceful location on the edge of Nicolet River is sure to please you. Cottages and campsites, swimming pool, canoes, kayaks, laundromat, shower, and sanitary service on-site. Saint-Adrien Municipal Park: rest area, playground and sanitary service on-site. Close by: Parc du Mont Ham: 16 km of marked trails in the mountains, for all levels, with a magnificent view of the mountain at 713 metres above sea level. Rest areas and playground, disc golf, restaurant, and lodging, camping, rustic camps and prospector tent.


How to get there: Google Maps

Categories: Sports and outdoor activities, Hiking

Card created: 08/2015 (last modified: 08/2015)

GPS coordinates: 45°43'56.55"N, 71°48'48.48"W

Download for your GPS: (.gpx)

(last modified: 08/2015)