Chinatown, Montreal

Montreal ( Montréal )

Chinatown in Montreal is located in the area of De la Gauchetière Street in Montreal. The neighborhood contains many Asian restaurants, food markets, and convenience stores as well being home to many of Montreal’s East Asian community centres, such as the Montreal Chinese Hospital and the Montreal Chinese Community and Cultural Center.

Much of Montreal Chinatown is located on La Gauchetière Street and around Saint Urbain Street and Saint Lawrence Boulevard, between René Lévesque Boulevard and Viger Avenue, occupying roughly the area of a city block. The part of La Gauchetière that crosses through Chinatown is a pedestrian walkway, making it more inviting for a stroll. On several weekends during the summer, the street becomes a lively outdoor fair.


How to get there: Google Maps

Categories: Agriturism, Attractions, Gastronomy, Buildings

Card created: 03/2012

GPS coordinates: 45°30'27.47"N, 73°33'31.56"W

Download for your GPS: (.gpx)

(last modified: 01/1970)