Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville

Boucherville ( Montérégie )

A few kilometres from Montréal, right in the middle of the St. Lawrence, 5 little islands form Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville. This park offers green spaces, channels teeming with life and waterside trails. Walkers, cyclists and canoers come here for a breath of fresh air and a break from city noise. Others enjoy a trip back in time to discover some of the First Nations that spent time on the park’s islands. In the winter, Île Sainte-Marguerite offers skiers and snowshoers a paradise of snowy landscapes. The peaceful atmosphere is conducive to spotting animals and signs of their presence. Park of recreation with a surface of 8.14 km². The cool calm of their country charm stands in stark contrast to the high-rises of the towering city. While crossing the wood bridges from one island to the next, keep a sharp lookout for Canada geese, ospreys and great blue herons likely to dart out of nowhere at all times.

55, Île Ste-Marguerite, C.P. 310, Boucherville, QC, J4B 5J6


How to get there: Google Maps

Categories: Attractions, Sports and outdoor activities, Wildlife observation, Park and wildlife reserve, Hiking, Cycling, SEPAQ

Card created: 08/2014 (last modified: 06/2015)

GPS coordinates: 45°35'47.08"N, 73°28'10.03"W

Download for your GPS: (.gpx)

(last modified: 06/2015)