Parc national du Mont-Orford

Orford ( Cantons-de-l'Est )

A mature sugar maple forest carpets hill and dale, welcoming visitors to Parc national du Mont-Orford. Discover the park’s mountains, hills, and ponds-a fascinating mix of plant and wildlife habitats. Whether it’s hiking along a trail, cycling along La Montagnarde trail, climbing to the summit of Mont Orford, relaxing a few days at the Jouvence Vacation Resort, or listening to a classical symphony at the Centre d’Arts Orford, you’ll enjoy exploring this park! The quality of its winter offerings makes this a highly valued park ... in every season.

3321 Chemin du Parc, Orford, QC J1X 7A2


How to get there: Google Maps

Categories: Attractions, Sports and outdoor activities, Wildlife observation, Park and wildlife reserve, Hiking, SEPAQ

Card created: 05/2014 (last modified: 01/2016)

GPS coordinates: 45°21'47.1"N, 72°14'2.85"W

Download for your GPS: (.gpx)

(last modified: 01/2016)