Pont couvert de Notre-Dame-des-Pins

Notre-Dame-des-Pins ( Chaudière-Appalaches )

As starting point of numerous gold seekers in the 19th century, Notre-Dame-des-Pins is extremely proud of its covered bridge. Built in 1929, it is the longest of its kind in Québec and the second in Canada, with a total span of 154.5 metres. Walk across it to marvel at its structure - a testament to construction methods of bygone days. You can cross on foot in the fall, spring and summer, and by snowmobile in the winter. An information booth is open in the summer with a guide to answer your questions. Interpretation panels depicting the history of the Perrault bridge from the time it was built. Come broaden your knowledge, you’ll find out why bridges were covered back in the good old days.

3030, 1re avenue
Notre-Dame-des-Pins, Qc, CA
G0M 1K0


How to get there: Google Maps

Categories: Attractions, Covered bridge

Card created: 04/2013

GPS coordinates: 46°10'58.11"N, 70°42'55.31"W

Download for your GPS: (.gpx)

(last modified: 01/1970)